It’s Sunday, March 3rd, the day before Kenya’s historic National elections. In the past few days and weeks CNN, the New York Times, the Financial Times and others have published many misleading, sensationalist and irresponsible articles but I’m seeing a different reality on the ground. I feel little incidents of peace-making in Kenya, including Sisi Ni Amani’s work, are multiplied hundreds of times across Kenya and these are the stories that need to be told.

Today George was contacted by Sisi Ni Amani’s partners in Nakuru about tensions in that part of the Rift Valley outside of Nairobi. He and Rachel felt a need to send a calming message to their SMS subscribers from that area. Below is an iPhone video shot with Rachel as she sends a message out.

Tomorrow I’ll be with Sisi Ni Amani staff documenting their work as they set up shop at a Nairobi hotel to monitor and message throughout the voting and post-voting period.